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Vivan Life Sciences

Safety & Environment Protection Policy

Safety & Environmental Protection Policy :

VIVANLS is committed to it's ' Safety & Environmental protection policy', and truly believes that, by strict adherence to these depicted policy inscriptions, This would enable us to avoid any accidents / damages either to the personnel or environment during any of our Business Process, which is very much an achievable goal.

This is our responsibility to ensure environmental protection and safety of our employees and fellow human beings. They form the basis for successful industrial implementation of customer projects.

It is therefore the Company's intention to serve the true spirit of safety legislation and not just fulfilling the technical requirements of the law.

Off late, Governments are also formulating and deliberating on newer required points under  ESG (Environmental , Social and Governance).

VIVANLS is committed to follow the newer outcomes out ofthese efforts, and be a front runner , in ensuriing Safety & Environment for all Associates and Surrounding environment.

Management Responsibilities


  • It is VIVANLS's objective to achieve excellence in Safety and Environmental Protection by eliminating or reducing as far as practically possible the potential and severity of personal injuries, property damage and impact to the environment and community arising out of its operations. This will be achieved through continuous improvement and commitment and participation of the company and its employees, which we achieve it through collective efforts.
  • VIVANLS and it’s Business Associates, shall take every possible care to prevent incidents, which may result in personal injury, property damage, impact to the environment or community. The line organization has direct responsibility to achieve VIVANLS’s Safety Objectives and hence each member or management and supervisory staff shall accept his responsibility towards the safety of employees, protection of Company property and impact on the environment and community.
  • Any unsafe condition that may result in an accident shall be avoided. It is VIVAN’s objective to eliminate hazards through choice of latest design and sound engineering and maintenance practices.
  • VIVANLS & it’s Business Associates, shall involve employees at all levels by forming safety committee on the matters related to Health, Safety and Environment.
  • In annual appraisal of employees, their performance related to health and safety will be given importance while deciding on their career advancement.
  • Observance of safe work practices shall remain a condition of employment. Employees, Contractors, Our Business Associates and their employees working on VIVANLS’s behalf and transporters involved have an obligation to work in the safest possible manner in accordance with VIVANLS’s safety procedures and to comply with all Safety and Environmental rules and regulations.
  • Management systems and operating procedures will be developed and resources allocated for identification, evaluation and control of workplace and process-related hazards.
  • While deciding on purchase of any plant, equipment, machinery, laboratory and material as well as selection and placement of personnel effect on safety and health will be considered.
  • Routine education training and communication are recognized as essential elements of Company’s Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Objectives. All employees shall be educated in workplace and process-related hazards and trained in safe work practices through communication at every level in the organization.
  • Safety, Health and Environmental Protection not only makes good business sense but also helps the individual to prevent personal injuries both on and off the job to maintain and improve productivity and employee morale. VIVANLS is committed to its employees well being and safety.
  • Waste Minimization, recycling and cleaner technologies shall remain an on-going exercise.
  • Renovation of existing factory and construction of new facilities shall be taken up only within the frame work of the Safety, Health and Environmental Policy.
  • Ensure that, Safety procedures are reviewed from time to time and upgrade the systems accordingly.

Responsibilities of all Associates 

All Associates carry a legal obligation to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and for that of others who may be affected by their acts and omissions. As well as including their colleagues, this duty also extends to the care of tenants, visitors and members of the public who may be affected. 

Specific employee responsibilities include


  • Reporting hazards found in the Agency's own premises and in premises managed by the Agency / Business Associate.
  • Reporting their health and safety concerns (including those related to the activities of tenants)
  • Reporting accidents and potentially serious incidents (those which they are involved in, witness or witness or become aware of)
  • Complying with health and safety standards and procedures established by others (e.g. tenants or contractors or VIVANLS's Business Associates)
  • Drawing attention to the need for specific health and safety arrangements or procedures (or for the improvement of existing ones).

This policy will be distributed to allAssociates ( employees ) of VIVANLS. Any amendments will be issued to all Associates. It will be regularly reviewed and updated to take account of any new legislation or any suggestion from staff / Business Associates, for betterment and ensuring the health and safety of all or any members of staff.